No matter what exam you are preparing for, it is highly important for you to know the pattern and question types. PTE Exam Format is no exception in that case. It is imperative for all the aspirants to find out more about the PTE Practice Tests and the way things have to be taken for a better score.
Instead of simply focusing on a couple of things, the students must generate an overall ability to crack the examination. The exam is divided into four modules that we have discussed below-
One of the most challenging modules of the PTE Exam Format is the Listening module. You have to pay attention to the verbal dictation and then attempt the related questions. You may also be expected to fill up the missing words, match the summaries or highlight the incorrect words.
The students must identify the underlying grammatical skills in this section. You can understand this through PTE Practice Tests & Mock Tests available.
Speaking is one of the most scoring sections in the entire PTE Exam and equally difficult too. If you have some good oratory skills, this particular section can help you to get maximum marks. You may be expected to describe an image or retell about a lecture or may be repeat a sentence. The students have to speak aloud and repeat them with proper pronunciation.
The next important section in the exam is reading. In this specific section, students have to take very good care about the timings. They will be handed over with fill in the blanks and some jumbled-up paragraphs that have to be put in order or fill up the blanks in passages. Reading is also a good section to score marks.
Perhaps perseverance and PTE Practice Test will help you to score well in this particular section. The aspirants do need to have some great English skills to score well in the writing section. There are templates that have been set taking care all the requirements of the exam, that’ll help in scoring well. The writing might expect you to create an essay or summarize a paragraph.
Each aspirant undergoing the examination must take care of the following points. Remember, the question types are quite easy. It just depends on the level of preparation you do.
You need to know about the time-eater questions that do not contribute much to the score but are capable of eating up much of your time.
You need to listen to every sentence and then write it down quickly. Understand what the speaker was trying to convey before you note down the words.
Identify the questions that carry negative marking & try not to answer to these questions if you’re in doubt as that might lead to negative marking.
Time management is an essence in PTE’s Reading & Listening modules and if one is not able to manage the time properly, then he/she can miss out on some very important & high-scoring questions due to lack of time.
Also Read: Top 4 Scoring Questions in PTE
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