AI Clicks
Unlimited AI Clicks for scoring in all the Speaking & Writing questions
Score Checks
Unlimited Score Checks to know exactly how the
PTE marks are distributed accross various modules, for all questions
Full Mock Tests
Unlimited access to simulated Scored Mock Tests with similar to 95% real exam scoring report & detailed analytics
Sectional Mock Tests
Unlimited access to our ‘first of its kind’ feature that will give you an accurate module-wise picture of your performance
Create Your Own - Mock Tests
Another first of its kind’ feature that allows you to create mock tests based on your choice of questions & pattern
Latest Exam Questions
Offers access to the most number of questions available in the market that are updated on a daily basis
Study Files
Upload study materials to support your student's effective preparation
Our tried & proven Writing templates for Essay & Summarize Spoken Text
Strategy Videos
Multi-lingual videos giving in-depth knowledge of the stratigies, usage of templates, various tips & ticks for all question-types
Target Wise Study-plan
A tailor-made plan that has been designed in accordance with a student’s required score to provide an effective learning path