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Re-tell Lecture

This question type would either be an audio or an audio-visual which would play & the student will have to re-tell the lecture in their own words. The time allotted for the response is 40 seconds & the students will be judged on their Listening & Speaking abilities.

  • Alfa PTE
  • 18 May 2020

Answer Short Question

As the name suggests, this is a short answer question where the response is mostly a single word or a few words. Listening & Speaking skills of the students are assessed in this question type.

  • Alfa PTE
  • 18 May 2020

Summarize Written Text

A student is required to write a one-sentence summary of a provided passage within a maximum limit of 75 words. This question will check the student’s Reading & Writing Skills.

  • Alfa PTE
  • 18 May 2020

Reading & Writing Fill in the Blanks

A passage with several gaps in between will appear on the screen, with a drop-list of options along with each blank. A student will have to choose an appropriate word from this drop-down list to fill in the blank space. This question contributes marks to both the Reading & Writing modules.

  • Alfa PTE
  • 18 May 2020

Reading: Fill in the Blanks

A passage with several gaps will appear on the screen & a list of options will be provided at the bottom of the passage. A student will have to drag a word from the below options & drop it at an appropriate blank. Student’s Reading skills will be assessed in this question type.

  • Alfa PTE
  • 18 May 2020

Re-Order Paragraphs

Several text boxes will appear jumbled-up or in random order & the student will have to arrange them in the right order. A Student is judged on the ability to understand the organization and cohesion of an academic text.

  • Alfa PTE
  • 22 May 2020